3rd and 4th day of Laval Virtual

Our "Laval VRchive" is published in the Laval Virtual feature of the newspaper of France.

私たちの"Laval VRchive"がフランスの新聞のLaval Virtual特集に掲載されています。

Yesterday was the last day of buisiness day, and today to tommorow are public-open day of Laval Virtual.


Many many, thousand of people come to Laval Virtual. Our "Laval VRchive" is especially popular for children because we are using Wii remote.

超★大勢のひとびとがLaval Virtualにやってきます。我々の"Laval VRchive"はWiiリモコンを使っているため、子どもたちに大人気です。

The symposium by professors at the university in Japan was held today. The theme of sympoium is "Why do so many Japanese come to Laval Virtual?"


It is the final day tomorrow.

