"Front Door" exhibition at Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD)


Hidenori Watanabe Laboratory will sponsor and exhibit in the exhibition "Front Door: Diralogue for Future on Planet Earth" at the Kenzo Tange Paribion, Harvard Graduate School of Design, from April 12 to 16, 2022.

PDF of the exhibition flyer can be downloaded here.

List of exhibits by the Laboratory:

The exhibition will present messages to the Earth from transnational global citizens and perspectives from outer space. It will also be an opportunity to learn how climate change, expanding conflicts, and nuclear weapons caused by human activities are damaging the earth and leading it down a path toward destruction. The exhibition will include Isamu Noguchi's Peace Monument, a series of artworks on the themes of atomic bombs and peace, and messages from global civic leaders.

We hope that this exhibition will be one of the opportunities to think about our "responsibility to the future".